Jeeping and Offroad Vehicles Jeeping and Offroad Vehicles

Colorado Jeep & 4WD
St. Elmo Jeeping & ATV/UTV Trails


St. Elmo ATV/UTV and Jeeping Trails Map, Colorado Salida & Monarch ATV Trails Map, Colorado Map Legend

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Southwest of Buena Vista is a town called St. Elmo and ATV & 4x4 Trails ranging from easy to highly technical. Towering 14,000' peaks, affectionately named 14er's, are visible all along US 24/285. Traveling west, from US 285, on County Road 162 places you between Mt. Princeton (14,200') and Mt. Antero (14,269') on the way to St. Elmo's adventure trails. Certainly no lack in elevation!

Two UTVs, rented from BV Jeeps and ATVs, parked next to St. Elmo pass near St. Elmo, Colorado
Photo courtesy of BV Jeeps and ATVs
Tincup Pass 12,000 foot summit
The lake near Bunny Lane in St. Elmo, Colorado
Secluded Wright's Lake stocked with Rainbow Trout

St. Elmo's roots originate in the late 1800's mining era. Venturing south to Hancock Ghosttown leads to the Alpine Tunnel, the first bore through the Continental Divide. The tunnel brought the Denver, South Park and Pacific railroad to Buena Vista and Leadville. Along this path the Iron Chest Mine is accessible. This is considered one of the most technical trails in Colorado! A little further south is another side trail leading to Pomeroy Lakes and Mary Murphy Mine.

ATV riders near St. Elmo, Colorado
The St. Elmo Area is Fun to Explore on an ATV
The Alpine Tunnel in the St. Elmo Colorado area
The Alpine Tunnel was 1st through the Continental Divide

Grizzly & Baldwin Lake provide remote camping and fishing for adventurists. Browns Lake trail traverses 14,000' and offers more remote camping and fishing. No less important Tabeguache Mountain and Mt. Shavano rise above 14,000' at trail's end.

Places to Stay & Fun Things to Do

BV Jeeps and ATVs Web page link icon Photos on page icon
Buena Vista = Mountain Back-Country Adventure! A true Colorado Experience: ride a Jeep or ATV have a fantastic time getting to our highest peaks, see ghost towns, wildlife. Rentals: Hourly, half-day, full-day.

More Activities & Information

Buena Vista Area, Colorado includes: Johnson Village, Nathrop, St. Elmo

Jeep & 4WD in Colorado

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