Colorado Fishing Information - Equipment

Choosing the Right Fishing Equipment
There is nothing like the thrill of landing that big fish. Being out in nature is relaxing and calming. Fishing with family is the best way to spend a holiday.
These three statements may sound contradictory, but they're accurate. Fishing is a popular form of recreation, so popular that hundreds of people pack up and head to their favorite river or stream every weekend or holiday. The reason varies: excitement, family time, the serenity of being on the water away from the bustle of life, but the result is the same. Fishing is a great way to enjoy yourself.
The Lure of Fly Fishing Fly fishing has become very popular. Historically, this type of fishing was the way for anglers to catch salmon and trout. Recently, however, the sport has expanded to other types of fish, such as bass and carp.
Fly fishing is an enjoyable sport, but is also a specialized one. It requires practice, experience, and an understanding of specific techniques. As a result, the equipment required is also specialized. So, before you pack up and take off for your favorite trout stream, you need to understand which fly fishing gear is the right equipment for you.
Basic Fly Fishing Equipment You'll need a rod, a reel, fishing line and a fly. Before you can purchase those, you must know what type of fish you want to catch. Different fish require different equipment as do different types of water. For example, to fish for stream trout, a lightweight rod and reel may suffice. A lightweight rod, however, will snap if you try to use it to catch a bass or a carp. For those fish, you need a bigger rod, and reel and stronger fishing line. The type of rod and reel you use will also vary whether you're fishing in freshwater or saltwater.
The fly you use is also important. The term "fly" comes from the old school practice of attaching insects to the end of the line to attract the fish. Certain fish love certain insects. Today's flies are artificial, but need to be just as attractive to the salmon or bass as their live counterparts. These flies are made from many different materials, including hair and fur, and can look really strange. The important point, however, is for it to look good to the fish.
The Advent of Technology Improved technology has effected changes in every industry, including fishing. With advances in location software and hardware, anglers can now buy and use GPS systems to increase their odds of making a great catch. These systems help find good fishing locations. They also help you remember them, because the information can be stored. GPS systems can also provide important information about the lakes and streams themselves.
These technological advances also provide stronger, lighter and more modern materials, such as graphite, to manufacture fly fishing rods and other equipment. This modern gear can cost quite a bit of money, but you don't have to spend a fortune to buy quality fly fishing equipment. Many manufacturers produce quality gear at moderate prices.