Crawford - Southwest Colorado
Crawford is a town where cowboys still wear Stetson hats and spurs, and cattle drives take place down Main Street. An adventurer's paradise, Crawford offers outstanding big game hunting, excellent fishing, four-wheel drive tours and hiking in Gunnison National Forest. Crawford Reservoir, good for rainbow trout and perch, also has swimming and boating. The Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park to the west is the most stunning day trip of all: as deep as 2,700' and as narrow as 1,300', the canyon was shaped by the churning waters of the Gunnison River. A 50-mile long chasm, the Black Canyon's sheer, shadowy rock walls drop more than a half mile to the river creating a somber and memorable site. Ute Indians did not enter the canyon, preferring to stay on the rim and hunt and when you visit, you'll see why - there are difficult trails down. Take raft trips through the steep canyon to see otherwise inaccessible sites.

Crawford is near: Delta, Grand Mesa Area & North Fork Valley
Featured Crawford Businesses
A western slope State Park in the peace and tranquillity of Crawford! Elevation 6,600 feet guarantees a mild climate in any season. Play, fish, water-sports, hike, hunt, camp. The campsites are scattered.
A nature lover's dream near Crawford, Paonia State Park is nestled between steep mountainsides and a narrow fishing lake. Primitive campsites. Near Ragged Wilderness Area -- hunting units: 43 and 521.
For more travel information contact:
Crawford Activities & Maps
National Parks and Monuments:
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
Scenic Byways:
West Elk Loop Scenic Byway
Blue Mesa Reservoir & Gunnison River Fishing Map
Black Canyon Snowmobile Trails
Local Area Maps:
Delta, Montrose & North Fork Valley Area Map