Jeeping and Offroad Vehicles Jeeping and Offroad Vehicles

Colorado Jeep & 4WD

Moffat County Tourism Association LogoMoffat County Tourism Association - Moffat County has nearly 2 million acres of public lands, and in addition, ALL County Roads are open to off-road vehicle use. That is more than 200 miles to explore in northwestern Colorado!

Off-Road Jeep Rentals, Tours & Trails in Colorado
Businesses listed may offer Jeep rentals and/or tours on site or within a short distance.

Jeeping & OHV Information:

Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Regulations Information


  • BE A FEATHER FOOT. Go easy on the throttle and brakes to keep you in control and out of trouble.
  • KEEP YOUR THUMBS ON TOP OF THE STEERING WHEEL, hands positioned at ten and two o'clock. If you hit an obstacle, the tire may be deflected and snap the steering wheel suddenly, injuring your thumbs if your thumbs are hooked over the steering wheel spokes.
  • LOWER THE TIRE PRESSURE TO WHERE YOU SEE A BULGE IN YOUR TIRE, generally not lower than 20 pounds. This will give you better traction and a smoother ride. However, do not exceed 10-15 miles per hours with the lowered air pressure.
  • KNOW WHERE THE DIFFERENTIAL IS; this is the lowest point on your vehicle. It could be on the right, left or in the middle. This will help you know where to place your tires to avoid hitting it.
  • USE THE LEFT FOOT BRAKING TECHNIQUE. Modulating the brake and throttle with both feet helps to maintain control, even on a vehicle with a manual transmission.
  • BEWARE OF THE VEHICLE'S PASSENGER SIDE; know the parameters of tire placement.
  • LOOK AHEAD OF YOUR VEHICLE ABOUT 30 YARDS to pick your trail and align your vehicle for the best route.
  • DON'T RIDE THE BRAKES AND CLUTCH. Tap brakes to maintain steering control and avoid lock-up, skidding or sliding. Disengage the clutch only at the last instant when coming to a full stop. Keeping the power going to the wheels helps maintain control.


  • DRIVE ONLY WHERE PERMITTED; stay on the trail or road. Don't make your own short cuts, switch-backs or trails.
  • RESPECT PRIVATE LAND. Many land owners will allow you to cross their land, but only if you ask permission. If you encounter a gate on public land, leave it as you found it unless posted otherwise.
  • IF YOU BROUGHT IT IN, BRING IT BACK OUT. Don't litter on the trail. Do more than your share. Bring plenty of garbage bags; don't leave anything behind.
  • YIELD THE RIGHT OF WAY: drivers on the uphill grade or overtaking you and to bikes, horses and hikers. Move to the edge of the road or trail and stop. If possible, shut the engine off. Be courteous and helpful.
  • DON'T BE A TRAIL HOG. Respect others, regardless of their means of transportation, everyone deserves to enjoy the outdoors.


  • TRAVEL WITH A GROUP OF TWO OR MORE VEHICLES to enable your to return safely if you have mechanical problems, an accident or illness.
  • USE OF A C.B. RADIO OR CELLULAR PHONE CAN BE VERY HELPFUL. Should an emergency develop, the C.B. emergency channel or cellular phone can get help to you.
  • BUCKLE UP! Seats belts are MANDATORY! They help keep you in place on rough terrain.
  • DON'T EXTEND DAYLIGHT HOURS. Plan your riding schedule to allow being back at the base, campsite or designated meeting place at a predetermined hour.
  • MAINTAIN A REASONABLE DISTANCE BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR FELLOW OHV DRIVERS. Tailgating can lead to serious injury to you, your vehicle and others.
  • A MULTIPLE USE ROAD OR TRAIL IS NOT A RACECOURSE. Aside from the potential for creating environmental damage, reckless driving endangers you and others sharing the road or trail.
  • USE COMMON SENSE. Know your limitations.


  • UNLICENSED TRAIL MOTORCYCLES; all-terrain vehicles; and other unlicensed, motorized recreation vehicles must be registered.
  • REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED FOR: motorcycles designed for use on public streets, roads and highways carrying a current license plate; vehicles used strictly in mining or agriculture; vehicles used strictly on private land for noncommercial purposes; vehicles provided by a dealer for education or safety programs; vehicles owned by the government; vehicles operated in certain organized events authorized by the appropriate agency.
  • REGISTRATIONS ARE VALID from April 1 to March 31st.
  • REGISTRATION DECALS MUST BE AFFIXED PERMANENTLY on the upper forward half of the OHV, in a location where the decal can be easily seen.
  • OHV OPERATORS MUST CARRY THEIR OHV REGISTRATION CARD and show it to any peace officer upon request.
  • OUT-OF-STATE RESIDENTS who bring OHVs into Colorado must have OHV registration from their home state. If your state does not have an OHV registration program, a Colorado non-resident OHV permit is required.
  • OHVs REGISTERED IN THEIR OWN STATE are required to purchase a Colorado non-resident OHV permit if they will be in Colorado for over 30 days.
Courtesy of The Tread Lightly! Guide

Jeeping Listed by Towns & Areas
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Established 1980 | ©Copyright 2025 by The Colorado Directory, Inc. This is a directory only; it is not and does not contain a recommendation, warranty, guaranty, inducement or endorsement of any kind. Representations herein were supplied by the individual businesses. The publisher, The Colorado Directory, Inc., does not assume any responsibility for truth, falsity or completeness of any representation made herein or any errors, changes, services rendered, or changes made in the use of this directory. This information was compiled as accurately as possible. Prices and services are frequently subject to change. Errors called to the publisher's attention will be corrected in the future. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.